How to Calibrate a Pressure Transmitter using HART Communicator


How to Calibrate a Pressure Transmitter using HART Communicator
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Today i want to tell how to calibrate a pressure transmitter and what are instruments used for doing calibration.

how many of you know how to calibrate pressure transmitter using HART COMMUNICATOR?

do you know the usage of hart communicator?

HART Communicator: So do you know what is HART?
The HART(HIGHWAY Addressable Remote Transducer) protocal is one of the most popular industrial protocols today. According to emerson there is a huge installed base of 4 to 20 milliAmps systems throughout the world used for calibration.

what is Pressure Calibrator?
the Pressure Calibrator provides a total pressure calibration solution for transmitters, gauges and switches. The unique easy to clean pump helps protect the pump from damage and provides the ability to service the pump without disassembly, even in the field. This can be used for Pressure Source and Milliamp Measurement to calibrate and maintain almost any pressure device.

Pressure Transmitter with manifold:

A pressure transmitter, is a transducer that converts pressure into an analog electrical signal. The conversion of pressure into an electrical signal is achieved by the physical deformation of strain gages which are bonded into the diaphragm of the pressure transducer and wired into a wheatstone bridge configuration. Pressure applied to the pressure transducer produces a deflection of the diaphragm which introduces strain to the gages. The strain will produce an electrical resistance change proportional to the pressure. This is used for measuring pressure in the process line with manifold. It is having isolation and drain valve used for isolating the transmitter from process. For isolating close the isolation valve and open the drain valve.

Do you know how to calibrate a pressure Transmitter using HART Communicator.


Connect the pressure outlet of the pressure calibrator to the pressure transmitter.

Connect the loop cable to the Transmitter (PWR/COMM) shown in exploded view, to the Calibrator.

Now connect the HART Communicator across the 250 ohms resistor.

Now before applying pressure close the drain valve and open the isolation valve for pressure to be applied on the diaphragm.

Check the Zero condition, if it is not showing corresponding milliamps then do lower sensor trim using HART Communicator.

Apply full range of transmitter and check the corresponding milliamps, if it is not showing
20 milliamps corresponding to the range then do the upper sensor trim using HART Communicator.

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