How to Achieve Boiler Efficiency with Thermal Mass Flow Meters | INO Việt Nam | INO Measure


How to Achieve Boiler Efficiency with Thermal Mass Flow Meters
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The proper measurement of methane flow is critical to running boilers efficiently. Learn how to measure methane as accurately as possible with a thermal mass flow meter to lower your facility’s costs. Learn more at:

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Video Transcript:

Glenn Coblentz: One of the big issues that I see when I go out and see boiler manufacturers or large facilities is the challenge for flow energy measurement of methane.

When you’re doing boiler efficiency, you have three main parts to that. You have steam mass flow, you have water flow, and you have methane gas flow. What I want to talk today about is how are you measuring the energy of that methane flow.

You need to be able to capture low flows and very high flows because all of that methane is combusted into energy that then turns into steam energy. So you want to be able to measure that methane energy as accurately as you can and across the widest range possible. And that’s where Sierra thermal mass flow meters come in to help with that challenge.

Any one of our thermal mass flow meters can measure all the way to zero flow and way up to very high flow rates. So you’re ensured of capturing the most accurate mass flow measurement of your methane that you can so that you can make a correct boiler efficiency calculation.

Sierra mass flow meters for measuring methane, how does that help you with costs? Well, I’ve been to many, many facilities and one of the biggest issues that you see is folks running either very rich or very lean. In either case, you’re wasting money. But if you have an accurate flow measurement on mass flow, you can optimize that burner combustion and make sure that every molecule of methane is being converted into energy into your steam.

Boilers that are running very rich is costing customers a tremendous amount of money. Plus you have emission problems as well because the last thing you want is unburned methane going out through the boiler into the atmosphere because then you’re going be having all kinds of regulation issues as well.

So a good way to solve that is Sierra mass flow meters. You’ll know exactly what’s going through that pipe, and you can make adjustments to make sure that you’re running as efficiently as possible and bringing as many dollars to the bottom line.

So at Sierra, we have a full family of thermal mass flow meters for methane flow measurement. We go from simple, economical 620S BoilerTrak meters to 640S meters to our state of the art QuadraTherm meter. This particular meter allows you to have unlimited field flexibility. You can change pipe size, you can change gas composition, you can change standard conditions, you can change engineering unit. So for those that want to get as accurate of a measurement as possible, and with a full range of capabilities, QuadraTherm would be the way to go.

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