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The MW100 is a scalable, high performance data acquisition/data-logging platform designed for both PC-controlled and stand-alone operation under harsh operating conditions.

"Smart Logging" – Anytime, Anyplace

The MW100 is a scalable, high performance data acquisition/data-logging platform designed for both PC-controlled and stand-alone operation under harsh operating conditions. Open Ethernet connectivity with web-based configuration and data monitoring functions allow MW100 to handle a wide range of monitoring and historical logging functions. See real time trends with your web browser from any PC and no special software. A full range of input/output modules handle all of your process inputs with fast measurement speed and high noise immunity for rock-solid performance.

N Mw100 03
Anytime, Anyplace…

  • In a wide range of temperatures: -20 to 60° 1,2,3,4
  • Reinforced insulation: Between input terminal and case5
  • 3700 Vrms (one minute) or 600 Vrms/VDC (continuous)

  • A wide variety of network functions: HTTP, FTP, DHCP, SNTP, E-mail, and others
  • DC power supply (12 V-28 V) option available

Smart Logging…

  • High speed measurement with a single unit (10 channels/10 ms or 60 channels/100 ms):
  • Shortest measurement interval of 10 ms

  • Multi-interval: Enables mixing of three different measurement intervals in a single unit
  • (measurement intervals can be set for each module)

  • Supports CompactFlash (CF) cards6 of up to 2 GB
  • Continuous data acquisition is possible on 60 channels at 100 ms for approximately ten days with a 2-GB card, or for three months on 60 channels at 1 s.

  • MATH function on the main module available with the /M1 option.
  • Collective data acquisition on 360 channels (via Modbus with the /M1 option)
  1. The operating temperature range for the input modules and main module. The operating temperature range of the output modules is -20 to 50°.
  2. Note that the power cord supplied with the main module differs depending on the operating temperature range (see the specifications on page 7). If the operating temperature range specification of the supplied standard power cord does not meet your requirements, we recommend that you select a screw-type terminal rather than the plug type for the main module power inlet, and supply your own power input cable.
  3. The operating temperature range of the AC adapter used with DC power supplies is 0 to 40°.
  4. Please consult with a representative for applications involving temperatures below -20°.
  5. The withstand voltage value with the MX110 input module. For the withstand voltage values of other input and output modules, please refer to the specifications for those modules (GS 04M10B01-01E).
  6. CF card not included (sold separately).

System Configuration

Standard Configuration

N Mw100 04

A custom MW100 measuring system is comprised of three elements; the MW100 main module, MX Series input/output modules, and MX150 Series base plate. The system can be bench mounted as-is or DIN rail mounted for rack or panel installations. A DIN rail-mounting bracket is included with the MX150.

The input/output modules, base plate, and accessories are all the same as those for the MX100 DAQMASTER series (AC adapter is for the MW100 only).

Input Modules

N Mw100 23

Name Model                     Number of Channels Shortest Measurement Interval Description
10 channel pulse input module MX114-PLS-M10 10 100 ms Non-voltage contact /Open collector(10,000 sample/sec integration speed)
30 ch general purpose input module 500 ms scan speed  MX110-VTDL30 30 500 ms Clamp terminal, DCV/TC/DI
MX110-VTDL30/H3 30 500 ms M3 screw terminal, DCV/TC/DI

N Mw100 05



Number of Channels

Shortest Measurement Interval


Universal Input Modules



10 ms

DC voltage, thermocouple, 3-wire RTD, DI (non-voltage contact, Level (5 V logic). Mixed input allowed.



100 ms

DC voltage, thermocouple, 3-wire RTD, DI (non-voltage contact, Level (5 V logic). Mixed input allowed.

4 Wire RTD and Resistance Input Module



100 ms

DC voltage, 4-wire RTD, 4-wire resistance, DI (non-voltage contact, Level (5 V logic). Mixed input allowed.

Strain Input Modules



100 ms

Built-in bridge resistance of 120 ohm


Built-in bridge resistance of 350 ohm


For connection with an external bridge head and strain gauge type sensor (NDIS connector).

5 V Digital Input Module



10 ms

Non-voltage contact, open collector, and Level (5 V logic). Mixed input allowed.

24 V Digital Input Module



10 ms

  Level (24 V logic), Vth = 12 V

Output Modules

N Mw100 06

Name Model                 Number of Channels Output Update Interval Description
Analog Output Module MX120-VAO-M08 8 100 ms Allows mixed voltage (±10 V) and current (4-20 mA) output
PWM Output Module MX120-PWM-M08 8 100 ms Pulse width modulation output module
Digital Output Module MX125-MkC-M10 10 100 ms “A” contact (SPST)

Base Plate

N Mw100 07 Base plates available for all configurations, from 1 to 6 input/output modules.

When used for the MW100/MX100, you must replace the attachment with the one that comes standard with the MW100/MX100.


N Mw100 08 Connector Covers
Connector covers for open slots

AC Adapter (772075)
AC adapter for the DC power model.
Operating temperature range: 0 to 40°
*Only for the MW100


Accessories (Removable Terminal)

N Mw100 10 All input/output terminals are removable except for those of the MX112-NDI-M04. If multiple terminals are prepared ahead of time, no re-wiring is needed between measurements.


N Mw100 11 
Model Description
772061 Screw (M4) terminal block (RJC (reference junction compensation) included).
For use in combination with 772062. Compatible with MX110-UNV-M10, MX115-D05-H10, and MX115-D24-H10.
772062 Connection cable between input modules and the screw terminal block.
Compatible with MX110-UNV-M10, MX115-D05-H10, and MX115-D24-H10.
772063 Plate with clamp terminals (RJC included).
Compatible with MX110-UNV-M10, MX115-D05-H10, and MX115-D24-H10.
772064 Clamp terminals. Compatible with MX110-UNV-H04.
772065 Clamp terminals. Compatible with MX120-VAO-M08, MX120-PWM-M08, and MX125-MKC-M10.
772067 Plate with clamp terminals. Compatible with MX110-V4R-M06.
772068 Plate with clamp terminals (Built-in bridge resistance of 120 ohm). Compatible with MX112-Bxx-M04.
772069 Plate with clamp terminals (Built-in bridge resistance of 350 ohm). Compatible with MX112-Bxx-M04.
772080 Plate with screw (M3) terminal (RJC included).
Compatible with MX110-UNV-M10, MX115-D05-H10, and MX115-D24-H10.
772081 Plate with clamp terminal for current with 10 ohm built in bridge resistance, applies to MX110-UNV-M10
772082 Plate with clamp terminal for current with 100 ohm built in bridge resistance, applies to MX110-UNV-M10
772083 Plate with clamp terminal for current with 250 ohm built in bridge resistance, applies to MX110-UNV-M10

Advanced Data Logging

The MW100 can be connected to multiple PCs at the same time. This allows monitoring and sharing of measured data by multiple users. A login function is included to enable assigning of access rights.

Measurement Information Shared
N Mw100 12
Measured Data Shared
N Mw100 13
* Mail Server Required

Acquire up to 360 Channels in One System

N Mw100 14 A large data acquisition system of up to 360 channels can be assembled using multiple MW100s and standard MODBUS TCP Ethernet communications. When equipped with the /M1 math option, the MW100 can acquire up to 300 channels of external data from additional MW100 units or other devices such as a PLC using MODBUS TCP communications. This provides a total system capacity of 360 channels (60 built-in measure channels + 300 external).

Serial MODBUS RTU communications (RS- 232 or RS-422A/485) can be ordered as a separate option with the same capability. 

Connect to Other Devices

N Mw100 15 An optional serial MODBUS RTU interface provides data exchange functions with other devices such as recorders, PLCs and controllers. In this mode, MW100 can serve as expansion I/O or as a data acquisition terminal for another connected device.


Remote Data Acquisition

N Mw100 16
Screen updating may be slower depending on the communication environment.
When the measurement location is located remotely from the data monitoring station, a dial up phone connection can be used for communications. All MW100 web browser-based data monitoring and FTP functions can be used via this connection for remote data acquisition applications.


Time Synchronization

N Mw100 17 The MW100 can synchronize its clock to a network time-server using SNTP (Simple Network Time Protocol), allowing any number of MW100s in a system to have precisely matched time.

Both SNTP Server and Client modes are supported. In Server mode, one MW100 can acquire time data from a server using Client mode. It can then serve time data in Server mode to other MW100s that function as Clients.

Clock synchronization functions are allowed only when the measurement interval within the unit is two seconds or longer.

Lưu ý: Nếu một thiết bị nào đó không được liệt kê ở đây, điều đó không có nghĩa rằng chúng tôi không hỗ trợ được bạn về thiết bị đó. Hãy liên hệ với chúng tôi để biết danh sách đầy đủ về thiết bị mà chúng tôi có thể hỗ trợ và cung cấp.
INO: Bán, Báo giá, tư vấn mua sắm và cung cấp, tư vấn sản phẩm thay thế; tương đương, hướng dẫn sử dụng, giá…VNĐ, …USD info@ino.com.vn | Tel: (+84) 028 73000184 | Yokogawa- DATA ACQUISITION UNIT(Model: MW100).


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