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VIEW370/VIEW370 PLUS/LeakAlert/VIEW Ex800/DS30c
Compared with general friction charge methods and the conventional optical detection method, this dust monitor has a high resolution and stability without being easily affected by adhesion of dust to the probe.
  • It is rarely affected by adhesion and contamination on the probe.
  • Extremely high sensitivity of 0.01 to 1000 mg/m3.
  • High-humidity gases can be measured by special air purge. (VIEW370/VIEW370 PLUS)
  • Support for 16-channel sensor (VIEW370 PLUS)
  • It can be connected with our different models using a common path. (VIEW370 PLUS)
operating principles
The charge transfer of fine particles such as dust flowing across a pipe or airflue is applied to static induction and detected by the noncontact sensor. This signal is measured and converted into an alternating-current response. The friction current produced when particles directly hit the probe is cut and this realizes stable output through the special circuit. ELECTRODYNAMIC DUST MONITOR operating principles
Standard Specification
Model VIEW370
Interface module
Power Source  AC90~260V 1A(50/60Hz)  AC90~260V 1A(50/60Hz)
Outputs  DC4~20mA
(isolated, resistance load
Serial RS232C・RS485
Relay contact 1cX2(AC250V 2A)
(isolated, resistance load
Serial RS232C・RS485
Relay contact 1cX4(AC250V 2A)
Inputs  4 digital inputs
Sensor connection point  1  1-16
Resolution  < 0.01mg  < 0.01mg
Self-checks  Communication
probe insulation
Zero and Span checks
probe insulation
Zero and Span checks
Memory capacity  (1 sensor)
Long:12 months @ 15 minutes
Short:7 days @ 1 minute
Pulse data:2 hours @ 1 second
Alarms:500 entries
 (4 sensor)
Long:2 months @ 15 minutes
Short:7 days @ 1 minute
Pulse data:2 hours @ 1 second
Alarms:500 entries
Housing  Enclosure Rating IP-65
Material ADC
(epoxy coated)
 Enclosure Rating IP-65
Material ADC
(epoxy coated)
Display  LCD
Trend screen etc)
Trend screen etc)
Temperature  Ambient Temp. -25℃~+55℃  Ambient Temp. -25℃~+55℃
  • Product Lineup
    • VIEW370
      Standard Type
    • VIEW370 PLUS
      MultiController Type
    • VIEW Ex800
      ATEX Intrinsically Safe Type
    • LeakAlert75/73
      Controller-integrated Type
In addition to the above, various specifications are available.

For more information, see respective catalogs or contact us by phone or mail. 

Lưu ý: Nếu một thiết bị nào đó không được liệt kê ở đây, điều đó không có nghĩa rằng chúng tôi không hỗ trợ được bạn về thiết bị đó. Hãy liên hệ với chúng tôi để biết danh sách đầy đủ về thiết bị mà chúng tôi có thể hỗ trợ và cung cấp.
INO: Bán, Báo giá, tư vấn mua sắm và cung cấp, tư vấn sản phẩm thay thế; tương đương, hướng dẫn sử dụng, giá…VNĐ, …USD info@ino.com.vn | Tel: (+84) 028 73000184 | KANSAI-ELECTRODYNAMIC DUST MONITOR (Model:VIEW370/VIEW370 PLUS/LeakAlert/VIEW Ex800/DS30c).


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