Pneumatic Torque Wrenches – VEGA 300


Pneumatic Torque Wrenches – VEGA 300
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Công ty TNHH Giải pháp và Công nghệ Đo lường INO, nhà cung cấp các thiết bị đo lường và tự động hóa công nghiệp.

A Pneumatic torque wrench is an air motor driven plenetary gear box having a very high reduction ratio. The gear box is provisioned with a reaction arm to absorb the torque reaction. Unlike impact wrench a pneumatic torque wrench is driven by continuous gearing and hence has no noisy and hazardous hammering. This is why a pneumatic torque wrench has an excellent accuracy & repeatability. Pneumatic torque wrench offers following significant advantages:
1. Pneumatic is always known for clean & tidy way of working.
2. Combination of Air motor with planetary gear guarantees, a much faster, safe & economical operation.
3. Easy and fast operation.

Features of VEGA Series Pneumatic Torque Wrenches:

1. Light and Compact : Light and compact tool design, suitable for variety of applications.
2. Heavy Duty Gear Box : Heavy duty gear box with thrust bearing for low friction and longer operational life.
3. Single Trigger : Single trigger for both forward and reverse operation.
4. Integral Hook Point : Integral hook for use of tool balancer etc.
5. Low Noise Level : Low noise level with no vibration.
6. High Accuracy : VEGA has an accuracy of better than + 5% with repeatability within 2% variation.
7. Reaction Boot : Reaction arm provisioned with removable boot for soft padding or extension as required.
8. Customised Reaction Arm : A wide range of standard and customized reaction arm available as per customer requirement.
9. Wheel Extension : Varaity of wheel extension available for deep reach, where tool clearance is a problem.
10. Accessories : Accessories like universal socket, universal joint and thin wall sockets available.


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